Elves Special Needs Society

What is Family-Oriented Programming (FOP)?

Family-Oriented Programming Sessions are planned to specifically meet the needs of children with severe disabilities/delays in a developmentally- appropriate way via supportive programming for families, parents, and caregivers.  A staff member from your child’s classroom team will be present during the sessions to individualize supports specific to your child.

Family-Oriented Programming Sessions are offered free of charge to parents/caregivers of children who are attending Elves’ Early Education programs. In addition, parents/caregivers of students in Elves’ Youth Program (Grades 1-12) are welcome to attend.

Each session will focus on a new topic such as sensory supports, picky eaters, toilet training, transition to Grade One, and how to survive the summer months.

How to Register

Registration forms are sent home with students prior to each scheduled FOP program which will include the following:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Brief summary of program
  • Any additional information such as any available child care, refreshments, etc.

Please contact your child’s teacher to register for a session.

If you have any questions, please contact FOP Program Coordinator, Raelee at 780.454.5310, ext. 233. 


To check out the dates for FOP, please download our upcoming schedule: 

FOP Booklet for Families 2020-2021