Elves Special Needs Society
Become a Member
At Elves, we welcome anyone interested in becoming involved and informed about what we do to become a member today. You do not have to be a parent/caregiver to join; only that you care about individuals with special needs and how we can all work together to provide the best school and programs to help strengthen their abilities, and build bonds throughout our community.
Why Register as a Member?
Want to be aware of happenings at Elves from bylaw amendments, to newsletters, to special events?
Want to ensure you’re able to vote during Elves’ Annual General Meeting each November?
Want to receive notification of Society business right to your mailbox?
Then be sure to become a member today!
Membership Application Form 2024
How to Become a Member
Download, fill out, and mail back your application form to the address below:
Elves Special Needs Society
10825-142 Street
Edmonton, AB T5N 3Y7
Alternatively, you may email it to execassistant@elves-society.com, or return it to school in your child’s backpack.
We hope to hear from you soon! If you have any questions, please call Elves at 780.454.5310.