Benefits of the Playground

We encourage you to get out, see the City, and let your children play.  Playgrounds can be a place where children can learn, socialize, and burn off all their extra energy. It can be a place where you find some peace for yourself. Fresh air, sunshine, and a change of venue can sometimes make all the difference for our little ones’ moods, temperaments and behaviours. The information below provides helpful resources about the importance of play for our growing and developing children. At Elves we encourage Possibility to

Benefits of the Playground:

Voice of Play‐of‐play
When children are playing, they are developing reflexes and movement control, as well as fine and gross motor skills. Movement increases flexibility and balancing skills.

Physical activity builds stronger muscles.  Activity improves bone density, heart and lung function and prevents obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol.  Taking your children to the playground is one of the most fun and healthy, things you can do for, and with, them. There are so many different types of playground equipment today; regardless of age group and ability, all children can benefit from outdoor play on a playground.

Playground equipment, such as climbers and overhead hanging apparatus, present children with physical challenges; free play encourages them to take risks. When they take that risk and overcome the challenge, they develop a sense of accomplishment that leads to higher self‐esteem. Free play also encourages children to develop skills that build self‐confidence, such as conflict resolution and imaginative, dramatic play. Social development with children—and the ability to play on their own—are also important factors in building self‐confidence.

The City of Edmonton has have so many great parks.  Make it a mission to visit as many as you can, or find one with a green shack and visit often for free programs in the park.

All new City of Edmonton play areas on City parkland are required to be designed, constructed and maintained according to CAN/CSA‐Z614 Children’s Playspace and Equipment Standards – Annex H. Annex H spells out the
base level requirements for what constitutes an accessible play space. You can find a complete list of Accessible Parks at:

Here are some examples of playgrounds with ramps up into their climbers and rubber floors:

i) Elsinore/Chambery Park ‐ 176 Avenue and 104 Street, Edmonton.

This fully-loaded, wheelchair‐accessible playground was designed with wheelchairs in mind, comprised of a structure for younger children and another for the older ones, and tied together with a pirate theme.

ii) Castledowns Playground
11520 ‐ 153 Avenue NW, Edmonton

iii) Woodlands Water Play Park and Playground
165 Sturgeon Road, St. Albert

Have a great summer!

2 thoughts on “Benefits of the Playground”

  1. Great article! Importance of playtimes is much more in this age of rapid urbanization in cities and greater access to digital entertainment. It is through these playgrounds that kids learn and develop critical analytical and social skills.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Paul! We agree, playtime outside is definitely important in this digital age!

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